Al Mandhar
Pest Control

Protect Your Property: Dubai's Leading Anti Termite Treatment

At MPC Pest Control, we understand that your property is a valuable asset, and protecting it from termite damage is important. As Dubai’s leading anti-termite treatment provider, we offer cutting-edge solutions designed to safeguard your home or business from these destructive pests. Our experienced team uses the latest technology and proven methods to detect, eliminate, and prevent termite infestations, ensuring long-lasting protection and peace of mind. Trust MPC Pest Control to keep your property safe and termite-free.










Professional Termite Treatment Methods

Liquid Barrier Treatments

This method involves applying a liquid termiticide around the perimeter of your property and directly to affected areas. The termiticide creates a chemical barrier in the soil that termites cannot cross, effectively blocking them from entering your home. It’s a long-lasting solution that provides immediate and residual protection.

Termite Bait Systems

Termite bait systems are strategically placed around your property to attract termites. These bait stations contain a slow-acting toxin that termites carry back to their colony, gradually eliminating the entire population. This method is especially useful for dealing with large infestations and preventing future colonies from establishing.

Wood Treatments

For wooden structures and furniture, we use specialized wood treatments that penetrate the wood and kill termites. These treatments can include surface sprays, injected termiticides, or treated wood products that repel termites and prevent them from feeding. This method is particularly effective for protecting structural wood components.

Foam and Dust Treatments

In cases where termites have infiltrated hard-to-reach areas, such as wall voids or narrow cracks, we use foam or dust treatments. These products expand to fill gaps and deliver termiticides directly to the termites. This method ensures thorough coverage and the eradication of termites in hidden areas and other open spaces.

Preventative Measures

Beyond direct treatments, we emphasize preventative measures to protect your property in the long term. This includes recommending structural adjustments, such as reducing wood-to-soil contact, improving drainage to reduce moisture, and sealing entry points. Preventative measures help minimize the risk of future infestations.

Heat treatment

Heat treatment is an eco-friendly method used to eliminate termites without chemicals. This technique involves raising the temperature in the affected areas to a level that is lethal to termites, typically around 120 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit (49 to 60 degrees Celsius). The process requires specialized equipment to evenly distribute heat.

Kinds of Termite

Subterranean Termites


  • These termites live in colonies underground and build mud tubes to access food sources above ground.
  • They are the most common and destructive type of termite.


Potential Damage:

  • Subterranean termites can cause extensive structural damage as they feed on wood from the inside out, often leaving a thin veneer of wood or paint intact.
  • They can compromise the structural integrity of buildings by hollowing out support beams and other wooden structures.

Drywood Termites


  • Drywood termites do not require contact with soil and can infest dry wood, including structural timbers, furniture, and hardwood floors.
  • They typically form smaller colonies compared to subterranean termites.


Potential Damage:

  • Drywood termites can cause significant damage to wooden structures, often going undetected until the infestation is advanced.
  • They can weaken wooden structures by consuming the wood from within, potentially leading to costly repairs.

Dampwood Termites


  • Dampwood termites are attracted to wood with high moisture content and are commonly found in damp or decaying wood.
  • They are usually larger than other termite species.


Potential Damage:

  • Although less likely to infest structures than subterranean or drywood termites, dampwood termites can still cause damage, especially in areas where wood is exposed to moisture.
  • They can contribute to wood decay and compromise the strength of wooden structures if the moisture issue is not addressed.

Formosan Termites


  • Formosan termites are highly aggressive and destructive subterranean termites known for causing significant damage to structures and wood materials.
  • They form large colonies and are known for their rapid rate of consumption.


Potential Damage:

  • Formosan termites can cause extensive and rapid structural damage due to their large colonies and aggressive feeding habits.
  • They can damage wood, electrical wiring, and even plaster and materials, leading to significant repair costs.

Conehead Termites


  • Conehead termites are known for their unique cone-shaped heads and the ability to build visible tunnels above ground.
  • They are highly aggressive and can forage on a variety of materials.


Potential Damage:

  • Conehead termites can cause damage to trees, wooden structures, and even non-wood materials, making them a significant threat to properties.
  • Their ability to forage above the ground makes them more likely to be detected, but they can still cause damage.

Nasutitermes Corniger


  • Originally from the Caribbean, Conehead termites are known for their aggressive behavior and ability to build visible mud tubes above ground.
  • They can create extensive networks of tunnels and foraging galleries.


Potential Damage:

  • Conehead termites can infest a wide variety of materials, including wood, trees, shrubs, and even non-wood items like plastic and insulation.
  • They are highly destructive due to their broad diet and the rapid rate at which they consume materials.

Which Medicines are Best for Termite Treatment?

The best medicine or chemical treatment for termites often depends on the specific situation and type of termites present. At MPC Pest Control, we recognize the importance of environmentally friendly termite treatment and promote it widely. Some of the most commonly used and effective termite treatment chemicals include:

  1. Fipronil: A broad-spectrum insecticide that is widely used for termite control. It is often used in soil treatments to create a protective barrier around structures.
  2. Imidacloprid: Another popular termiticide, imidacloprid works by disrupting the nervous system of termites. It is often used in baiting systems and soil treatments.
  3. Hexaflumuron: Commonly used in baiting systems, hexaflumuron is an insect growth regulator that inhibits the termites’ ability to molt, eventually leading to the collapse of the colony.
  4. Bifenthrin: A synthetic pyrethroid, bifenthrin is used for both soil and wood treatments. It acts as a repellent and a toxin for termites.
  5. Chlorantraniliprole: This termiticide disrupts muscle function in termites, leading to their death. It is often used in baiting systems and soil treatments.
Pest Control Services
Pest Control Services

Expert Anti-Termite Protection for Dubai's Homes and Businesses

We are proud to offer expert anti-termite protection for both residential and commercial properties across Dubai. Our skilled technicians are trained to identify and address termite issues promptly, using eco-friendly and effective treatment methods. Whether you’re dealing with an existing infestation or looking to prevent one, our team is here to provide you with the best solutions available. Protect your investment and maintain the integrity of your property with MPC Pest Control’s professional anti-termite services. Your safety and satisfaction are our top priorities.

Say Goodbye to Termites with Expert Treatment in Dubai

Termites can cause significant damage to your property if left untreated. At MPC Pest Control, we specialize in providing expert termite treatments in Dubai, tailored to meet your specific needs. Our comprehensive approach includes thorough inspections, advanced treatment options, and preventative measures to ensure that termites are effectively eradicated and kept at bay. With our commitment to quality service and customer satisfaction, you can rest easy knowing your property is in good hands. Say goodbye to termites and hello to a secure, pest-free environment with MPC Pest Control.

Pest Control Services

Frequently Asked Questions

Signs of a termite infestation include hollow-sounding wood, discarded wings near windows or doors, mud tubes along foundation walls, and small piles of sawdust or termite droppings.

MPC Pest Control offers comprehensive termite treatment services, including inspections, soil treatments, wood treatments, and baiting systems, to eliminate and prevent termite infestations.

Yes, all our termite treatments at MPC Pest Control are safe for children and pets. We use environmentally friendly products and methods that are designed to be effective against termites while ensuring the safety of your family and pets.

We recommend scheduling termite inspections at least once a year. Regular inspections can help detect termite activity early, allowing for prompt treatment and preventing significant damage.

MPC Pest Control treats various types of termites, including subterranean termites, drywood termites, dampwood termites, Formosan termites, and conehead termites. Each type requires a specific treatment approach, and our experts are trained to handle all termite species effectively.

The duration of termite treatment depends on the extent of the infestation and the type of treatment required. Typically, a standard treatment can take a few hours to complete, but some methods, like baiting systems, may require ongoing monitoring.

In most cases, you do not need to leave your home during the treatment, especially if we use non-toxic methods. However, for certain types of treatments, such as fumigation, temporary relocation may be necessary. Our team will provide you with all the necessary information before starting the treatment.

To prevent future termite infestations, keep wood away from the foundation, ensure proper ventilation in crawl spaces, fix leaks promptly, and schedule regular termite inspections with MPC Pest Control.

If you suspect a termite infestation, contact MPC Pest Control immediately for a professional inspection and treatment. Avoid disturbing the termites, as this can cause them to relocate and spread the infestation.

The cost of termite treatment varies depending on the extent of the infestation, the size of the property, and the type of treatment required. MPC Pest Control offers competitive pricing and free consultations to assess your specific situation and provide an accurate quote.